Payment to providers on services delivered
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides information for residential aged care providers on upcoming changes to a payment system based on services delivered.
Residential aged care funding assessment pathways fact sheet
Fact sheet
This fact sheet or flyer provides information to providers of permanent resident aged care about the three pathways for assessing and classifying an aged care resident.
What is the AN-ACC Transition Fund?
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides information about the AN-ACC Transition Fund that will be available to support providers as they transition to the new funding arrangement.
AN-ACC Assessor Application User Guide
The AN-ACC application (AN-ACC app) enables assessors to conduct Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) assessments.
My Aged Care User Guide – Sideloading of apps for Aged Care Assessor, myAssessor and AN-ACC
This document explains how to manually download the myAssessor and Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) apps on a Windows device using an installation file (known as sideloading), outside of the app store process.
The Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding guide
This guide provides information for approved residential care providers on the AN-ACC funding model. It sets out how to receive AN-ACC subsidies, including relevant compliance requirements that may apply.
Residential aged care funding assessments dashboard
This dashboard provides users with information on the progress of residential aged care funding assessments.
How is cognition assessed for residential aged care funding?
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides information on how cognition and mobility is assessed for residential aged care funding.
Presentation – Residential Aged Care Funding Reforms
Presentation slides from the webinar on 30 November 2022 covering the latest information on the AN-ACC funding model, to understand the Independent Health and Aged Care Authority’s pricing framework.
Residential Aged Care Funding Reforms – Webinar recording
This video is a recording of the webinar held on the 30 November 2022. It covers the latest information on the AN-ACC funding model, to understand the Independent Health and Aged Care Authority’s pricing framework.
Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) – accessing care minutes targets in the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal
Find out how to access your care minutes targets in the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal.
Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) – palliative care entry process in the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal
Find out about the palliative care entry process and what you need to do in the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal.
Quality assurance of residential aged care funding assessments
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides information on the quality assurance of residential aged care funding assessments.
Subsidies and Supplements under AN-ACC
Fact sheet
This fact sheet provides information on changes to subsidies and supplements under the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN ACC).
Residential Aged Care Provider process map
This map sets out the key process steps and system actions that Residential Aged Care Providers must complete to process a client for residential aged care funding.
AN-ACC Reference Manual and AN-ACC Assessment Tool
The Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) Reference Manual guides AN-ACC assessors in undertaking assessments using the AN-ACC Assessment Tool.
Report on the trial of the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC)
This report outlines the results of the trial of the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) model.
Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) update – November 2022
The Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) commenced on 1 October 2022. This webinar provides the aged care sector with the latest information on the AN-ACC funding model, care minutes and 24/7 nursing.
Date last updated: