PHI 86/20 Prostheses List: release of a consultation paper

Stakeholder feedback on the proposed options for reforms and improvements to the Prostheses List can be provided via submissions until 15 February 2021.

Date published:
PHI circular type:
Prescribed List announcement
Health sector

This circular is to advise that the Department is seeking stakeholder feedback on the proposed options for reforms and improvements to the Prostheses List. Submissions are welcome in response to the Consultation Paper: Options for Reforms and Improvements to the Prostheses List. This Paper will be available through the Department’s Consultation Hub from 18 December 2020 until 15 February 2021.

This consultation opportunity builds on a series of stakeholder discussions regarding reform, including the efforts of Industry Working Groups established as part of the 2017 Agreement between the Australian Government and Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA). However, more information is needed to finalise the reform approach. This Paper does not reflect a Government decision, but canvasses options for the future.

As announced in PHI 85/20, the Department released two reports; the Review of the General Miscellaneous Category of the Prostheses List by and the Options for a Revised Framework for Setting and Reviewing Benefits for the Prostheses List report by the Prostheses List Revised Benefit Setting and Review Framework Industry Working Group. These reports provide context to the Consultation Paper and facilitate more complete consultation on potential reform options.

All queries relating to the consultation process should be emailed to