The following private hospitals’ names and/or address have been updated to match their state licence:
Name: Sydney Day Surgery – Prince Alfred
Previous Address: Suite 106, 100 Carillion Avenue, Newtown, NSW 2042
Updated Address: RPAH Medical Centre Suite 106, 100 Carillion Avenue, Newtown, NSW 2042
Provider Number: 0666411H
Previous Name: The Hills Private Hospital
New Name: Hills Private Hospital
Provider Number: 0017320Y
Previous Name: Melbourne MediBrain Centre and Medisleep
New Name: Melbourne MediBrain Centre
Provider Number: 0043960W
Second-tier updates
The following hospitals have been approved for second-tier with effect 14 December 2020:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
Current Expiry |
New Expiry |
Category |
Miami Private Hospital |
0057440T |
1/01/2021 |
19/07/2023 |
C |
St Vincent's Private Hospital (Lismore) |
0017030J |
2/01/2021 |
2/01/2024 |
D |
St Vincent's Private Day Surgery Lismore |
0883671B |
2/01/2021 |
2/01/2024 |
G |
St John of God Geelong Hospital |
0035340A |
23/01/2021 |
23/01/2024 |
F |
Healthe Care Marian Centre |
0075610X |
29/12/2020 |
29/12/2023 |
A |
Maitland Private Hospital |
0017250X |
4/01/2021 |
4/01/2024 |
F |
Tuggerah Lakes Private Hospital |
0017600L |
6/01/2021 |
6/01/2024 |
C |
Sydney Day Surgery - Prince Alfred |
0666411H |
11/01/2021 |
11/01/2024 |
G |
Masada Private Hospital |
0036390F |
3/02/2021 |
3/02/2024 |
E |
Hills Private Hospital |
0017320Y |
8/01/2021 |
8/01/2024 |
B |
Ballan District Health & Care |
0036150Y |
18/12/2020 |
18/12/2023 |
C |
See a full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories.