Hospital Updates
Hospital Postcode Updates
The following hospital’s postcode has been updated following confirmation from the state authority:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
Previous Postcode |
Updated Postcode |
Peninsula Private Hospital (QLD) |
0055790J |
4020 |
4021 |
Hospital PHI Circular Number Correction
The following hospital’s PHI circular numbers will be corrected on the list of declared hospitals:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
PHI circular correction |
Broadwater Private Day Hospital |
0057580B |
MSI Reproductive Choices |
0043490J |
Second-tier Updates
Second-tier Eligibility Approvals
The following hospitals have been approved for second-tier with effect 27 September 2023:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
Previous Expiry |
New Expiry |
Category |
Pine Rivers Private Hospital |
0055830W |
2/10/2023 |
4/08/2026 |
A |
Moreton Day Hospital |
0057000W |
7/10/2023 |
28/08/2026 |
G |
Oromax Day Surgery |
0067140K |
14/10/2023 |
14/10/2026 |
G |
Parramatta Eye Centre |
0027430Y |
9/11/2023 |
9/12/2025 |
G |
Repromed Day Surgery |
0067080H |
19/12/2022 |
19/12/2023 |
G |
Ivanhoe Endoscopy Centre |
0043400F |
N/A |
9/05/2026 |
G |
Second-tier Eligibility Approvals
The following hospitals have been approved for second-tier with effect 5 October 2023:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
Previous Expiry |
New Expiry |
Category |
Brisbane Waters Private Hospital |
0016930B |
7/10/2023 |
7/10/2026 |
E |
Peninsula Private Hospital |
0055790J |
9/10/2023 |
10/07/2026 |
D |
Second-tier COVID-19 Accreditation Arrangements – expiry date correction:
The following hospitals’ second-tier expiry published in the circular below was incorrectly listed and will be adjusted under COVID-19 Accreditation Arrangements to the correct end date:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
Expired |
Correction |
Category |
Victorian Centre for Mental Health |
0044200F |
04/04/2024 |
G |
Second-tier Eligibility Expiring
Second-tier eligibility for the below hospital has expired:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
Expiry |
Category |
Cambridge Day Surgery |
0075650K |
01/09/2023 |
G |
The Department of Health and Aged Care Commonwealth list of declared hospitals will soon be amended to reflect these changes. View the full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories and eligibility.