Hospital updates
The following public hospital has had their provider number corrected on the Commonwealth Declared Hospitals List as per the advice of Services Australia:
Name: Monash Medical Centre – Moorabbin Campus
Updated Provider Number: 0031630A
Previous Provider Number: 0030970K
Second-tier updates
The second-tier eligibility for the following hospital has expired:
Hospital Name (provider number) |
Category |
Expiry |
G |
17/2/2021 |
The following hospitals have been approved for second-tier with effect 2 March 2021:
Hospital Name |
Provider Number |
Previous Expiry |
New Expiry |
Category |
Northpark Private Hospital |
0036530J |
9/03/2021 |
8/03/2024 |
F |
St John of God Pinelodge Clinic |
0036560B |
3/03/2021 |
2/03/2024 |
A |
Panch Day Surgery Centre |
0044100J |
17/03/2021 |
16/03/2024 |
G |
Noosa Surgical & Endoscopy Centre |
0057100L |
28/04/2021 |
27/04/2024 |
G |
Tweed Day Surgery |
0999441J |
1/04/2021 |
31/03/2024 |
G |
National Capital Private Hospital |
0095100J |
12/04/2021 |
11/04/2024 |
F |
Dorset Rehabilitation Centre |
0036220A |
22/04/2021 |
21/04/2024 |
B |
Eden Private Hospital |
0056010A |
16/04/2021 |
15/04/2024 |
B |
Marie Stopes East St Kilda |
0043490J |
N/A |
24/01/2024 |
G |
Marie Stopes Maroondah |
0923131H |
N/A |
24/01/2024 |
G |
A full list of declared hospitals with second-tier categories can be found online.