Hearing Services Program provider notice – Qualified practitioners

Providers must ensure that only qualified practitioners (QPs) deliver/supervise services to program clients. Providers must keep QP information in the Hearing Services Online portal (portal) up-to-date.

Date published:
Health sector

The program has identified ongoing QP issues. The program is increasing its routine checks of practitioner qualifications. 

At each date of service QPs must have current financial PPB membership in an approved membership category (see below).

The program works actively to ensure that all QPs who are listed as active in the portal have current approved membership category status with a PPB. However, providers must ensure that their QPs hold an approved membership category at the date of service. Providers should routinely check QP PPB certificates at least annually to ensure QPs have the required membership category.

A provider must reimburse any claim where the QP was not a current financial approved member of a PPB at the date of service, even if the membership was later backdated.

Providers can find out more about Qualified Practitioner requirements on the program website, including the required Practitioner Professional Body (PPB) membership and a portal user guide. Examples of approved PPB member category certificates are also available on the program website.

PPBApproved membership categories
Audiology Australia
  • Full accredited member or
  • Fellow accredited member or
  • Life accredited member
Australian College of Audiology
  • Full/Ordinary member or
  • Fellow member
Hearing Aid Audiology Society of Australia
  • Full member or
  • Fellow member

QP requirements

Providers must ensure:

  • only QPs, or provisional practitioners/students supervised by a QP, deliver services to program clients
  • only QPs in an approved membership category of a PPB have an active QP number
  • QP numbers are not issued to students and provisional practitioners
  • when registering a new QP number, the name details match the name listed with the PPB and must be the correct qualification and PPB/s
  • a new QP link is established in the portal for each employment period the QP works for the business
  • an end date is entered for a QP linked to their business when they cease working for the business or stop delivering services to program clients
  • provisional practitioners/students are supervised as per PPB requirements
  • claims include the QP number of the practitioner who delivered or supervised the service
  • the full name of the practitioner who delivered or supervised the service is recorded on the client record
  • current QP PPB membership certificates are on display where required by the PPB
  • QP evidence, including membership certificates and supervision logs, are available for a minimum of 7 years.

Managing portal practitioner information: Providers can use portal guides to manage QP information.

2023 provider self-assessment (SAT): In the 2023 SAT, providers were required to download their linked QP list from the portal and confirm current PPB membership and link status. While there continues to be non-qualified practitioners linked to providers, this will be a process in each SAT.

Schedule of Service Items and Fees updates: The program has updated the 2023–24 Schedule to include practitioner requirements.

Related legislative and contractual requirements 

The program manages compliance with the legislative and contractual requirements in accordance with the Compliance Monitoring and Support Framework. The program offers a range of compliance support.


Hearing Services Program contact

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Program contact
National Relay Service

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