Report suspected fraud online form

Use this form to report suspected fraud involving health providers; activities funded by the department, such as services, grants and other payments; or our staff.

Do not report the following types of fraud to us

To report fraud involving:

You will need

Please have all the details about your report ready to enter, including any Medicare numbers, provider numbers and dates of incidents.


  • Current Type of fraud
  • Who you are reporting
  • Details you need to report
  • Your contact details
  • Privacy notice
  • Preview
  • Complete

Reporting suspected fraud

Please note: all links will open in a new tab or window so you don't lose your place in the form.

Have you provided information about this activity before? (mandatory)

If you have new information about your existing report, please enter the reference number we sent you.

There is no need to proceed if you have no new or additional information – you can simply cancel this form by closing your browser tab or window.

Please do not submit information you have already sent us.

What are you reporting?

I want to report an issue with:

Please select the type of fraud you want to report to us:

I want to report aged care fraud involving:
I want to report a healthcare provider for fraud involving:
I want to report a pharmacy for fraud involving
I want to report a Department of Health and Aged Care employee for

If you are unsure, please contact our fraud hotlines.

Date last updated:

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If you would like a response please use the enquiries form instead.