Subscribe to Health and Aged Care updates

Subscribe to stay up-to-date on the Australian Government’s work on helping to keep Australians healthy and safe.

About the Health and Aged Care update

The Health and Aged Care update (formerly known as the COVID-19 vaccines update) will provide the latest information on the Government’s work to help keep Australians healthy and safe. 

Who it is for

The Health and Aged Care update provides the latest news on health initiatives for Australians. This update includes news relevant to the general public, peak bodies, GPs and health professionals. 

How to subscribe

Subscribe to Health and Aged Care updates

You will receive an email requesting confirmation. Once you confirm, you will be on the list. 

Previous newsletters

View previous issues of the Health and Aged Care Update newsletter (formerly known as the COVID-19 vaccines newsletter).

How to unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe or change your subscription preferences at any time, using links at the bottom of each email. 


See the privacy notice for this service.  

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