Smoking, vaping and tobacco resources

A list of resources – including apps, audio and video resources and other publications – about smoking, vaping and tobacco.


Tobacco Harm Reduction – Report

This document presents the Australian Government response to the Senate Select Committee report:
Tobacco Harm Reduction: Report.

Community poster – Why are we still vaping?

View this poster from the Youth Vaping Education Campaign which focuses on the health harms of vaping. This poster is for use in community settings, such as community waiting areas or on community noticeboards.

Community poster – Do you need help to quit vaping?

View this poster from the Youth Vaping Education Campaign which focuses on quitting vaping. This poster is for use in community settings, such as community waiting areas or on community noticeboards.

Reasons to give up smoking and vaping for good

It’s no secret that quitting smoking and vaping can be hard. The good news is that from the moment you quit, you’ll feel the benefits. Find the right support to help you quit successfully.

Megan Varlow – Give up smoking for good

Megan Varlow is the Director of Cancer Control Policy at Cancer Council Australia. Watch as she talks about the health benefits of quitting smoking and what support services are available to help you give up for good.

Becky Freeman – Give up vaping for good

Associate Professor Becky Freeman explains the health risks associated with vaping and what support services are available to help you give up for good.

Tips for supporting someone to quit

When someone decides to quit smoking or vaping, they’re more likely to succeed with the support of their family and friends.

Don’t stop trying – Sarah’s journey

Hear Sarah’s story as she shares her journey to quit smoking and offers advice for others looking to do the same – don’t stop trying.

Breaking habits – Sarah’s journey

Join Sarah as she shares her journey to quit smoking. She talks about the strategies that helped her break the habits that led to her smoking and offers tips for anyone trying to quit.

Sarah's quitting journey – Case study

Sarah started smoking at the age of 14 and finally quit at 41, with more than a few quit attempts along the way. Read Sarah's case study to learn more about her quitting journey.
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