About the classification
The Australian Statistical Geographical Classification (ASGC) is a set of geographical data that can be analysed together for different purposes.
The ASGC determines seven levels of remoteness under the Australian Statistical Georgraphical Classification – Remoteness Area (ASGC-RA) structure.
In 2011, the Australian Statistical Geography Standard – Remoteness Area (ASGS-RA) replaced the ASGC-RA.
From 1984 to 2011, the Australian Bureau of Statistics used ASGC-RA as a framework to define an area’s remoteness.
How we use it
Some health programs determine eligibility for their participants using the ASGC-RA.
International medical graduates can reduce the 10 year period of working in a Distribution Priority Area through moratorium scaling credits, which are based on the ASGC-RA.
Find locations classified under the ASGC-RA
To see areas classified under the ASGC-RA, search the Health Workforce Locator.