Our related work
Benefit reductions for Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices
Learn about how we are reducing benefits for Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (CIEDs).
Changes in legislation for the Prescribed List
Learn about legislation changes to the Private Health Insurance Act 2007 and related instruments that will give effect to the Prescribed List Reforms.
General use items on the Prescribed List
Learn about general use items and the history around these items on the Prescribed List.
Improving compliance and assurance for the Prescribed List
Learn about compliance and assurance measures to safeguard the settings of the Prescribed List.
Metal-backed patellae – Prescribed List post-listing review
We reviewed the comparative clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of metal-backed patellae (MBP) in the Prescribed List (PL). We asked if there is evidence to justify MBP having a higher benefit amount than all-polyethylene patellae (APP).
Modernising the Prescribed List application process
Learn about the work we are doing to modernise the process of applying to have a product included on the Prescribed List.
Moving Prescribed List applications to the Health Products Portal (HPP)
We are changing the online application system from the Prescribed List Management System to the Health Products Portal. Learn about this change, including key dates.
Prescribed List
Private health insurers are required to pay benefits for the products listed on the Prescribed List – previously known as the Prostheses List. Find out what the Prescribed List includes, when we update it, and how to apply to list products on the Prescribed List or change current listings.
Reducing the public and private sector price gap for some Prescribed List devices and products
We are reducing the benefits paid for some Prescribed List devices and products to better align with prices paid in the public sector.
Spinal cord stimulators – Prescribed List post-listing review
We are reviewing the comparative clinical and cost-effectiveness of spinal cord stimulators in the Prescribed List (PL).
Surgical guides and biomodels – Prescribed List post-listing review
We looked at whether surgical guides and biomodels are eligible for listing on the Prescribed List (PL).
Urogynaecological mesh devices (mid-urethral slings) – Prescribed List post-listing review
We reviewed the comparative clinical and cost-effectiveness of mid-urethral slings (MUS) on the Prescribed List (PL).
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