Primary care resources
Certification Statement – National Primary Care Health Workforce Campaign
Campaign certification statementThis certification statement, signed by Secretary Blair Comley on 31 January 2025, certifies that the National Primary Care Health Workforce Campaign complies with the relevant guidelines and policies. -
Building the evidence base for the next National Oral Health Plan
Fact sheetThis document summarises the 2 day co-design workshop conducted by HealthConsult with representatives from the oral health sector on 3 and 4 December 2024. -
Strengthening Medicare Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
Strategy or frameworkThis framework outlines how we will monitor and evaluate strengthening Medicare measures over the next 5 years. This includes tracking the implementation and delivery of strengthening Medicare measures and reporting on their overall impact. -
First Pharmaceutical Wholesaler Agreement (1PWA)
AgreementThe First Pharmaceutical Wholesaler Agreement (1PWA) ensures Australians can continue to rely on the certainty of timely and reliable medicines supply from their local pharmacy. It also ensures the rising costs of distributing medicines across Australia will not be passed on to consumers. -
Health Roadmap Working Group meeting summaries – Meeting 11
Meeting minutesThis document summarises the meetings of the Health Roadmap Working Group. -
Health Roadmap Working Group meeting summaries – Meeting 10
Meeting minutesThis document summarises the meetings of the Health Roadmap Working Group. -
Health Roadmap Working Group meeting summaries – Meeting 9
Meeting minutesThis document summarises the meetings of the Health Roadmap Working Group. -
Roadmap Implementation Governance Group (RIGG) Short-Term Actions Communique – November 2024
Meeting minutesThis communique provides a high level update on the progress of the short-term actions under the National Roadmap for Improving the Health of People with Intellectual Disability to November 2024. An Easy Read summary of the communique will also be made available shortly. -
Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program – Hunter Primary Care
StoryA clinical facilitator for the Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program talks about the rewards of working in aged care and the value of sharing her knowledge and experience with nursing students participating in the program. -
Government Response – Provision of GP and related primary health services to outer metropolitan rural and regional Australians – Interim report
Government response to inquiryAustralian Government response to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee report: Provision of general practitioner and related primary health services to outer metropolitan, rural and regional Australians – Interim Report. -
Schedule B – Operational plan template
TemplateThis template has been developed to assist sites that are part of the COAG Section 19(2) Exemptions Initiative memorandum of understanding 2022–25 to complete an operational plan. -
Movement Disorder Nurse Specialist Pilot Final Evaluation Report and Addendum
ReportThe Australian Government provided $6.4 million over 5 years from 2019-20 to 2023-24 for the Movement Disorder Nurse Specialist Pilot. The Report outlines the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the Pilot models. The Addendum provides supplementary information reported by Primary Health Networks -
Easy Read Guide to the CHAP – Annual Health Assessments for people with intellectual disability
GuidelineThis Easy Read talks about how to fill out Part 1 of the CHAP tool. CHAP stands for the Comprehensive Health Assessment Program.
A better after-hours system – Review of After-hours Primary Care Programs and Policy
ReportThe After Hours Review helps identify ways to improve equitable and sustainable access to after-hours primary care. -
Roadmap Implementation Governance Group (RIGG) – Meeting Summary 25 July 2024 – Easy Read
Meeting minutesThis document summarises the discussion and outcomes of the Roadmap Implementation Governance Group (RIGG) meeting held on 25 July 2024. -
First Peoples Health Consulting – First Nations Yarning Circle Consultation for After Hours Review
ReportFirst Peoples Health Consulting undertook culturally-safe stakeholder engagement with First Nations people to support the After Hours Review. -
Roadmap Implementation Governance Group (RIGG) – Meeting Summary 25 July 2024
Meeting minutesThis document summarises the discussion and outcomes of the third Roadmap Implementation Governance Group (RIGG) meeting held on 25 July 2024 -
Allen + Clarke Consulting – After Hours Review evaluation report
ReportAllen + Clarke Consulting evaluated the current after-hours primary care landscape, the need for primary care services in after-hours periods, and successful models of after hours service provision. The evaluation supported the After Hours Review. -
Working Better for Medicare Review – Final report and appendices
ReportThis review examined how effective our current health workforce ‘distribution levers’ are. These levers consist of policies and geographic classifications that are intended to distribute health workforce across areas that need them most. Read the report and its appendices. -
Auslan interpreter booking flow-chart for primary care providers
InfographicThese flowcharts are designed to help primary care providers identify whether and how they should book an Auslan interpreter. -
Deaf awareness checklist for primary care providers
GuidelineThis checklist is designed to help primary care providers consider whether their policies, processes, and environment meet the needs of Deaf patients, and where there is room to improve. -
Review of Auslan interpreting service use in primary care
ReportA report on the review of Auslan service use in Australian primary care settings. It includes information about barriers, enablers, resources and recommendations to improve access to Auslan interpreting services. -
Resource directory for primary care providers engaging with Auslan users and interpreters
DatasetThis spreadsheet is an attachment to the Review of Auslan interpreting service use in primary care. -
Auslan Review Report – Easy Read Summary
Fact sheetThis is an Easy Read summary of the review of Auslan in primary health care report. -
Summary of the Final Report from the Review of Auslan interpreting service use in primary care (Auslan)
PresentationThis video provides a brief summary, in Auslan, of the Australian Governments review of Auslan interpreting service use in primary care. It includes information on the findings and recommendations to improve access to Auslan interpreting services in primary care in Australia.
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