Preventive health resources

A list of resources about preventive health.


BreastScreen Australia Data Dictionary

This data dictionary contains definitions used by the BreastScreen Australia Program so that data collected for monitoring, evaluating and accrediting services is consistent across Australia.

Screen Me stakeholder toolkit for health organisations

This stakeholder toolkit contains key messages, social content, images, and editorial content regarding cervical screening for women and people with disability that can be used directly, or adapted or edited for external channels.

Screen Me stakeholder toolkit for disability organisations

This stakeholder toolkit contains key messages, social content, images, and editorial content regarding cervical screening for women and people with disability that can be used directly, or adapted or edited for external channels.

Megan Varlow – Give up smoking for good

Megan Varlow is the Director of Cancer Control Policy at Cancer Council Australia. Watch as she talks about the health benefits of quitting smoking and what support services are available to help you give up for good.

Becky Freeman – Give up vaping for good

Associate Professor Becky Freeman explains the health risks associated with vaping and what support services are available to help you give up for good.
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