Physical activity and exercise

Physical activity is important at any age for good physical and mental health and wellbeing. Find out how active you should be, how to add activity into your daily life, and what we’re doing to help everyone become more active.

About physical activity

Read about what we mean by physical activity and why everyone should be active every day.

What we’re doing

Find out how we developed the guidelines and what we’re doing to encourage people to be active.

Physical activity for everyone

See what you can do to be active every day, whatever your age or circumstances.

Physical activity guidelines

Download or order publications, including the guidelines and tips on building activity in your day.

Pregnancy guidelines – brochure

These guidelines provide information and advice for pregnant women about how much physical activity they should do each day, and about minimising sedentary behaviour.

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines – pregnancy

Find your activity guidelines

For infants, toddlers and preschoolers

Help your young child grow healthy, and set good habits for life.

For children and young people

Find ideas on helping children and young people be active.

For adults

Find out what you can do to be active every day, for a healthy body and mind.

For pregnancy

See how active you should be during and after your pregnancy.

For older Australians

Learn how to build activity into your daily life to stay healthy.

Did you know?

1 in 2

adults don't meet the physical activity guidelines

2 in 3

children don't meet the physical activity guidelines


of young people aged 13 to 17 meet the physical activity and sedentary screen-based behaviour guidelines

Sources: AIHW and ABS. 



Palliative care status form

Approved aged care providers must complete and submit the most recent version of this form each time you request AN-ACC Class 1 status for a care recipient. The form is available in 14 languages to help care recipients understand it, but you must complete the English version (a legal requirement).

PBS indexation freeze advertisement – 15 seconds

From 1 January 2025, there is a one-year freeze on the maximum patient cost of PBS medicines and a 5-year freeze for concession card holders. Find out more at

National Cervical Screening Program – Pathology Test Guide

The National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP) provides a Pathology Test Guide for Cervical and Vaginal Testing. The resource has been updated to align with the updated NCSP guidelines (released on 6th January 2025) to assist Health Care Professionals and Laboratories.