Our Medicare data, statistics and reporting
We publish quarterly and annual Medicare statistics by state, territory and the Modified Monash Model (MMM) about:
- bulk billing rates, including by type of service such as general practitioner (GP) attendances, specialist attendances, diagnostic imaging and pathology
- services claimed
- benefits paid
- patient contributions.
We also publish statistics about the cost and usage of medicines supplied through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Medicare statistics collection
Other Medicare data, statistics and reporting
You can create your own statistical reports – using different variables, such as time periods or location – from Services Australia for:
- MBS items
- MBS categories
- PBS items
- PBS groups (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical or patient eligibility status).
The Productivity Commission’s annual Report on Government Services reports on various Medicare statistics, including:
- details of MBS-funded primary care and mental health services
- use of Medicare by First Nations people.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports on various aspects of the health of Australians, using Medicare data.