Drugs contacts

A list of organisations, websites and services that offer support, counselling and information about drugs.


Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation provides facts, resources and programs to help prevent alcohol and other drug harm in Australian communities.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre

Visit this website for information and current research on reducing the harmful use of alcohol and other drugs in First Nations communities.
Edith Cowan University


The ASSIST (alcohol, smoking and substance involvement screening test) is an easy-to-use tool that detects substance use and related problems.
University of Adelaide

Counselling Online

Counselling Online is a free and confidential service that provides 24/7 support to people across Australia affected by alcohol or drug use.
Counselling Online

Cracks in the ice

Cracks in the ice provides information about ice (crystal methamphetamine) for community organisations to use at events and forums. Family and friends of people affected by ice can find help and support. There are also resources for use in schools and by health professionals.
Cracks in the ice


Contact DirectLine for confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral in Victoria Australia. The service is available 24/7 by phone or online.

Drug Aware

Contact Drug Aware's 24-hour alcohol and drug support line for help in Western Australia. Their website also provides information about drugs and their impact, and how to stay safe for young people.
Drug Aware
Country WA
City WA

Drug Information Directory

Use the Drug Information Directory to find information on alcohol and other drugs, including treatment services.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Drug Strategy contact

Contact the Drug Strategy team for information about our National Drug Strategy and help with any of its related resources.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care


eheadspace is a national online and phone support service for young people between 12 and 25. It covers a wide range of topics and issues affecting mental health. Contact them online or by phone from 9am to 1am AEST, every day.

Family Drug Support (FDS)

Contact Family Drug Support (FDS) for help dealing with drug and alcohol use in your family. Their free national telephone support line is available 24/7 anywhere in Australia. They also provide support groups, education programs, counselling and bereavement services for families.
Family Drug Support

healthdirect helpline

Call this number to speak to a registered nurse about your health concerns. It can help if you're not sure if you should see a doctor or manage your condition at home. The healthdirect helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Healthdirect Australia

Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline provides a free, private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged from 5 to 25. The service is available 24 hours a day from anywhere in Australia.
Kids Helpline


Contact Lifeline for support if you are experiencing a personal crisis or have suicidal thoughts. You can call them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in Australia for crisis support. You can also send a text message or contact their confidential online chat.
Lifeline Australia
24-hour crisis line

Medicines Line

Contact Medicines Line on 1300 MEDICINE for information on prescription, over-the-counter and other medicines (including complementary medicines). Calls are answered by registered pharmacists. The service is available Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm AEST (excluding NSW public holidays).
Medicines Line

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

To find an NA meeting close to you or for information about quitting or reducing drugs, contact NA or visit their website.
Narcotics Anonymous

National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline

This hotline provides confidential support for people struggling with addiction. You can call the Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1800 250 015.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)

NCETA aims to help organisations and workers to better respond to problems related to alcohol and other drugs (AOD). Find out about their research into intervention programs for workplaces and effective workforce development.
National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction

National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research (NCYSUR)

NCYSUR conducts research into how to prevent and treat substance misuse among young people. Find out how the work they do reduces the harm to young people from alcohol, tobacco and other drug misuse.
University of Queensland

National Clinical Centre for Research of Emerging Drugs (NCCRED)

NCCRED aim to find and share new treatments for ice (methamphetamine) and other emerging drugs. Find out how they bring together clinicians and researchers to detect and respond to new drug health problems.
National Clinical Centre for Research of Emerging Drugs

National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC)

NDARC conducts research into alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment. Find up-to-date information about AOD treatment options and how effective they are at reducing AOD-related harm.
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) contact

NDRI conducts research that contributes to effective alcohol and other drug (AOD) policies, strategies and practices. Browse their latest publications and resources and read about their research programs.
National Drug Research Institute

National Medical Stockpile contact

Contact the National Medical Stockpile for information about accessing the Australian Government's strategic reserve of drugs, vaccines, antidotes and protective equipment for use in national health emergencies.
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care


Path2Help lets you search by postcode to find alcohol and other drug services in your area. Answer a few quick questions to find tailored recommendations for you, or someone you care about, that are near you.
Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Positive Choices

Positive Choices is an online portal for teachers, principals, school counsellors, First Nation education officers, youth workers, parents and young people. It aims to raise awareness about the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use by providing tools and school-based programs.
Positive Choices
Date last updated:

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