About diagnostic imaging in Australia

Diagnostic imaging – like X-rays and ultrasounds – helps healthcare workers diagnose, treat and monitor a large range of health conditions. Learn more about diagnostic imaging in Australia and how we regulate it.

What diagnostic imaging is

Diagnostic imaging enables healthcare workers to see inside your body. They use the images created to diagnose, treat and monitor a large range of health conditions. 

There are several types of diagnostic imaging including: 

Laws and regulation

The Health Insurance Act 1973 and its subordinate legislation, including the Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Regulations, regulate diagnostic imaging services under Medicare.  

Only accredited practices can perform Medicare-funded diagnostic imaging services.  

The Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme ensures that diagnostic imaging practices meet safety and quality standards. 

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) helps to avoid excess radiation doses for patients undergoing diagnostic imaging. 

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