What we're doing for dentists and dental practitioners

We support a network of government bodies that oversee the regulation and operation of dentists and dental practitioners across Australia. This ensures we have a highly professional dental workforce practising in metropolitan, rural and remote centres.

Funding and policy support

Australia has a single, national scheme for registered health professionals – the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS). We support the following bodies responsible for managing the national scheme:

We also support the goals of the Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives: Australia’s National Oral Health Plan 2015–2024 to improve health and wellbeing across the Australian population by: 

  • improving oral health status

  • reducing the burden of poor oral health.  

Training support

Our Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training (RHMT) program aims to improve the recruitment and retention of medical, nursing, dental and allied health professionals in rural and remote Australia. It includes the Dental Training Expanding Rural Placements.

The 2020–21 Budget included a further $50.3 million investment over 4 years in the RHMT program. This goes towards furthering the rural training pipeline for allied health students and graduates to deliver health, aged care and disability services in rural communities. 

Part of this investment includes funding a feasibility study to identify best approaches to increase dental and oral health training in regional locations. We will make the findings from the feasibility study available after the conclusion of the study in the second half of 2022.

Dental initiatives

Our 2021–22 Budget measures provide funding under several agreements that deliver dental services to Australians:

Date last updated:

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