COVID-19 advice for disability support services

Learn about managing COVID-19 while providing disability support services.

Providing disability support services

Workers who provide close personal disability care in high-risk settings such as disability care services, should not attend work:

  • for 7 days after testing positive for COVID-19
  • while they have symptoms.

Disability service providers and support workers must follow the rules that apply to their location. Monitor and follow advice of your local health department:


Vaccination continues to be important in managing COVID-19 in high-risk settings.

The health Service Finder is the best way to book a vaccination or booster.

Read more on COVID-19 vaccination for disability providers.

Supporting mental health

Some people with disability may feel more alone, because of:

  • having less contact with friends and relatives

  • feeling isolated from their culture and heritage

  • having less contact with the outside world because they fear catching COVID-19.

Head to Health provides information about mental health and digital support. You may be able to support clients by:

  • letting them know about Head to Health

  • helping them access other mental health services.

Looking after your own mental health is also important.

Outbreak prevention and management

To help slow the spread of COVID-19:

Providers of disability residential services must take steps to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks and plan for outbreak management.

The Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) has published the national guidelines on the Control and Public Health Management of Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infection (Including COVID-19 and Influenza) in Disability Residential Services.

Providers must also review guidance on outbreak prevention and management issued by state and territory governments.

Find COVID-19 resources to support disability services.

Accessing personal protective equipment (PPE)

Accessing PPE for NDIS providers.

Eligible residential disability service providers who cannot access commercial PPE supplies can contact us by emailing

If you are a non-NDIS provider, and can’t access PPE through the usual means, contact your state or territory health department.


Date last updated:

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