Our work related to chronic conditions

A list of our initiatives, programs, campaigns, reforms or reviews related to chronic conditions.

Our related work

2020–25 National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA)

Signed by all Australian governments, the 2020–25 Addendum to National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) aims to improve health outcomes for all Australians and ensure our health system is sustainable.

Cardiovascular Health Mission

The Cardiovascular Health Mission is investing $220 million. It brings together researchers, health professionals, industry and patients to make transformative improvements in heart and vascular health and stroke for all Australians.

Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme

From May 2025, the Chronic Wound Consumables Scheme (CWCS) will cover the cost of wound consumable products for older people aged 65 and over, or First Nations people aged 50 and over, who have diabetes and a chronic wound.

Clinical Trials Activity initiative

The Clinical Trials Activity initiative will provide $750 million over 10 years from 2024–25. It will help Australian researchers and patients test new treatments through national and international clinical trials. It will also support research on rare cancers, rare diseases and unmet needs.

Endometriosis and pelvic pain clinics

Endometriosis and pelvic pain clinics have been established across Australia. These clinics work to reduce diagnosis timeframes and provide better care and pain management for those suffering from endometriosis and pelvic pain.

Inborn Errors of Metabolism program

The Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM) program helps people and families who have problems with breaking down protein in their food. They need a special diet, and the IEM program helps them pay for their specialised food.

Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study

The Australian Government is investing in a multi-year Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study (IHMHS). The IHMHS will provide the most complete picture ever collected of Australia's physical and mental health.

National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)

The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) helps people with diabetes to understand and manage their life with diabetes. It also provides timely, reliable and affordable access to diabetes support services and products.

National Epidermolysis Bullosa Dressing Scheme (NEBDS)

The NEBDS helps eligible people with epidermolysis bullosa access dressings, bandages and ancillary products at a reduced cost. It also ensures a consistent level of care across Australia. The scheme is currently administered by Independence Australia on behalf of the Australian Government.

Newborn bloodspot screening

Healthcare providers offer bloodspot screening for all babies born in Australia. This simple test identifies babies at risk of becoming seriously ill from a rare condition. Screening aims to improve the health of these babies by allowing early intervention.

Rural Health Outreach Fund

The Rural Health Outreach Fund (RHOF) supports outreach initiatives that improve access to medical specialists, general practitioners (GPs) and allied and other health providers in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia.

Tackling Indigenous Smoking

The Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program aims to reduce smoking rates among First Nations Australians. Local organisations run activities designed to prevent the uptake of smoking, promote quitting, and solve emerging issues, such as the use of e-cigarettes by youth.

Upcoming changes to MBS Chronic Disease Management Arrangements

Changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule items for chronic disease management have been deferred from 1 November 2024 until 1 July 2025. The additional time will support all practices and providers, including GPs and allied health providers, to be ready for the changes to these important services.
Date last updated:

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