Aged care workforce resources

A list of resources – including apps, audio and video resources and other publications – about the aged care workforce.


Summary of Transitional Rules

This document summarises the Transitional Rules which will support a seamless transition between the existing and the new legal frameworks for aged care.

Aged care surge workforce support-Frequently asked questions

We provide temporary surge workforce support to eligible aged care homes impacted by COVID-19. Surge workers can be quickly placed when all other avenues for staffing have been exhausted. These FAQs provide detail on eligibility and access requirements for the surge workforce.

Aged Care Worker Survey 2024 report

This report contains the results of the Aged Care Worker Survey 2024. The survey was conducted by the department to have a better understanding of the aged care workforce and to gather insights to support worker attraction, retention and satisfaction.

National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034

The National Dementia Action Plan 2024–2034 is Australia’s national dementia policy framework. It aims to improve the lives and care of people living with dementia, their carers and families over the next 10 years.
Date last updated:

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