Preparing your aged care service for winter – readiness

The department is hosting a series of webinars to help aged care providers to prepare for, respond to and recover from winter viruses such as influenza, as well as continuing to respond to the threat of COVID-19. This is the first in the series focussing on ‘readiness’.

Health sector
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The webinar presenters talked about the current advice on managing the workforce, testing protocols, outbreak management and included:

  • Chair, Helen Grinbergs, First Assistant Secretary of the Service Delivery Division of the Department of Health
  • Nicole Jarvis, A/g First Assistant Secretary of the Service Delivery Division of the Department of Health
  • James Hart, First Assistant Secretary for Disability and Aged Care Vaccine Rollout
  • Professor Alison McMillan, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Department of Health
  • Janet Anderson, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner

There was also a moderated Q&A session.

The webinar was held on Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 11 am – 12 pm AEST.

recording of the webinar is now available for on-demand viewing.


To keep up to date about upcoming webinars, subscribe to our aged care sector announcements and newsletters.

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