Employer engagement webinars – attracting workers into aged care

This webinar covers employment programs and supports available to residential aged care and home care providers to attract an aged care workforce.

General public
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  • Emma Gleeson – Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Jane Watts – Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

There will also be representatives from: 

  • Price Waterhouse Coopers
  • Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland Consortia Skills Hub


The presenters covered the following topics:

  • Workforce Advisory Service
  • Aged Care Registered Nurses’ Payment
  • Home Care Workforce Support Program
  • Workforce Australia – tailored supports and local employment facilitators

If you have any questions, please email AgedCareWorkforceReform@Health.gov.au

Presentation slides and video

The slides and a video of this webinar are now available.


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