Quarterly Financial Report – Reissue and resubmit

The Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) reissue and resubmit video, is designed to familiarise and support aged care providers to access their QFR if it is re-issued, including the steps they need to take to resubmit their QFR in the new QFR application on GPMS.


This video will go over the reissue and resubmission process for the new QFR application in GPMS.

Following submission of your QFR, Forms Administration complete Quality Assurance checks on behalf of the Department. If there are any queries your QFR may be reissued to you.

If this occurs, you will receive an email prompting you to return to the application.

If you offer Residential Care services, the Department may also send queries specific to your Labour Costs & Hours responses.

You can choose to respond directly via email or request FormsAdmin to re-open your QFR, allowing you to amend your responses.

When logging back into the application, the status of the QFR will now say ‘Reissued’.

Select the ‘resume’ button and navigate to the relevant section to see the Quality Assurance assessor’s comments against any responses on the Viability pages and summarised at the top of the form sections for all other pages.

Clicking on the QA comment link will take you directly to the item which requires a response.

You can amend your response or provide an explanation using the free text comment box.

To maintain your records, downloading the reissued copy of your QFR will display both the QA comments and your response.

Once you have responded and are ready to resubmit your QFR, you will need to download a new Declaration template to be signed by the authorised officer.

Successfully uploading the signed declaration will allow re-submission.

Thank you for watching, we have more videos and other guidance material available on our website.

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