Quarterly Financial Report – Navigating data tables

The Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) navigating data tables video, is designed to familiarise and support aged care providers to efficiently navigate the data table, while completing their submission in the new QFR application on GPMS.


In this video we will show you how to navigate the data tables, including improvements made to the data tables in the new QFR application on GPMS. 

The Year to Date Financial Statement, Labour Costs & Hours, and Food and Nutrition sections of the form display Data Tables. This is where the bulk of your financial information is inputted.

At the top of each Data Table are the navigation buttons that allow you to modify what is displayed.

Selecting the ‘expand view’ button will make the table larger, allowing you to see more rows and columns.

Selecting the ‘shrink view’ button will revert the display back to the original size.

Use the ‘jump to’ dropdown button to quickly move to sub sections or columns by selecting which area of the form you wish to display.

On the YTD Financial Statement page, you can hide any of the segments that aren’t applicable with the toggle button.

If you toggle off a column all the fields will populate as zero. You will be prompted to confirm your selection, so you don’t accidently wipe any entered information.

You can also filter the table to display ‘errors only’ if the form has identified a validation error or ‘comments only’ when you have addressed the error with a suitable comment.

As you enter data, the application will check your responses for common completeness and accuracy errors, identified by the ‘Why’ icon highlighted in red text.

You will be prompted to review and amend your data if it is incorrect or provide additional information using the free text box.

You can review and edit any comments you have provided after an error has been triggered by selecting the ‘comment’ icon.

Thank you for watching, we have more videos and other guidance material available on our website.

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