Quarterly Financial Report – Bulk upload with excel template

The Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) bulk upload with excel template video, is designed to familiarise and support aged care providers to upload their data using excel templates in the new QFR application on GPMS.


There are two ways to enter financial information in the new QFR application on GPMS.  This video will show how to use the bulk data upload function.

On the

  • Year to date financial statement,
  • Labour Costs and Hours, and
  • Food and Nutrition

sections of the QFR, you have the option to enter your responses directly in to the online form using the data tables, or you can choose to bulk upload data using the excel spreadsheet templates.

To access the template, locate and select the ‘download’ button found in the grey box above the online data tables. 

Please make sure you download a new template for each quarter’s submission. If you re-use a previous quarter’s template, the application will not upload the file.

When you open the downloaded file, you will notice the spreadsheet is protected, prompting you to save the spreadsheet to your computer before entering data.

The greyed-out cells are where we calculate total figures, you won’t be able to edit these.

If you attempt to input data on a cell where a value is not required, a pop-up message will advise these cells are protected. Click ‘ok’ to close the pop-up and continue to the next available field. 

You can navigate the spreadsheet using your mouse or use keyboard shortcuts to move quickly through the columns and rows.

The ‘enter’ key will move your cursor vertically to the next available field below and the ‘tab’ button will move the cursor horizontally across to the right.

If you want to copy and paste, you can transpose multiple cells at a time. Just make sure you match your responses to the correct area in spreadsheet. If you attempt to paste in a section of cells that doesn’t exactly match the spreadsheet, the error message will pop up and prevent your data from appearing. 

When you are ready, save the excel file and return to the QFR application.

Click on the ‘upload’ button and select the excel file.

The online form will populate with the uploaded data, noting that any existing data will have been overwritten. 

Note that there are no data validations in the excel template. The data validations only occur when you upload the template.

You have the option to edit your responses directly in the online form if you need to make any changes before continuing on to the next section in the form.

You can repeat this bulk upload process as many times as you want, noting that you will need to download a new template for each section so that it contains the latest data from the table in the portal.

Thank you for watching, we have more videos and other guidance material available on our website.

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