Benefits of palliative care education and training for aged care nurses – 45 second video

Palliative care experts and aged care nurses discuss the importance of palliative care education and training. Palliative care education and training can increase your knowledge, skills and confidence to care for and communicate with people who have a life-limiting illness.


Brigitte Karle, Nurse Consultant: For the next 20 years we're going to have an aged care population of 80 and above. It's huge and that is only going to become more of a challenge.

I would encourage aged care professionals to undertake education and training in palliative care because you are going to experience death and dying.

Death can be confronting and it'll give you the confidence to be able to deal with these situations.

Gabrielle Raikiwasa, Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner, Eldercare: Accessing education in palliative care is very easy. We have it on apps, we can get it on our mobile phones, we can get it face to face. 

Further education on palliative care., it brings about satisfaction. There's nothing more satisfying than knowing that someone has had a good death.

Professor Deborah Parker, Training Provider, End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC): You, as a aged care worker, now more than ever, if you've never engaged in education or upskilled yourself in the palliative end of life care space, this is a critical time.

Text on screen: Free palliative care education and training is available to all aged care nurses. Find out more at

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