Aged Care Council of Elders – a message from Gwenda Darling

Aged Care Council of Elders member Gwenda Darling shares her thoughts about how individuals wants, and needs should be met through the aged care system.


I believe every Australian has a right to a shower a day, if they choose. And it's all about choice. For me, it's going to bed late and sleeping late, and I have a right to do that in my senior years. A person is not an island, but an individual with wants and needs that should be met through the aged care system. We need to send clear messages as consumers and carers to the government. I'd like to be a voice for First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse people, LGBTQI, and in particular, rural people. We need to know what you need and want in home care services.

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Aged Care Council of Elders member Gwenda Darling shares her thoughts about how individuals wants, and needs should be met through the aged care system. 

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