Review of the RPGP and GPPTSP – Evaluation Report

This report is a review of the Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) and the General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP).


Review of the RPGP and GPPTSP Evaluation Report

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We engaged the Nous Group (Nous) in 2017 to conduct a review of the RPGP and the GPPTSP.

The Nous Group undertook an independent evidence-based review of these 2 programs. Nous’ review drew together a review of relevant literature, analysis of available data, including MBS and program data, as well as an extensive consultation process. The Review aimed to determine whether the program delivered the best value for money in terms of:

  • Maintaining or increasing access by the community to highly skilled rural health professionals
  • Increasing the sustainability of the rural health services and the health workforce
  • Continuing to align with government rural workforce development priorities
  • Determining if the programs most effectively meet the policy objectives and integrate with other programs with similar policy aims.

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