Responses to Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) RAO webinar (4 August 2022) questions

This document responds to questions about the MRFF raised by Research Administration Officers (RAOs) and stakeholders in 2022. We collected questions from a pre-MRFF RAO webinar survey, the MRFF RAO webinar on 4 August 2022 and stakeholder engagement in 2022.


Responses to Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) RAO webinar (4 August 2022) questions

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Fact sheet
General public

This document provides answers to questions raised by RAOs and stakeholders in:

For ease, we have grouped responses into the following themes:

  • data
  • grant opportunity guidelines and applications
  • grant assessment and outcomes
  • grant management
  • budgets
  • systems.

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