Primary Health Networks (PHN) primary mental health care guidance – stepped care

This guidance document provides overarching advice on a stepped care approach to mental health, and outlines expectations of Primary Health Networks (PHNs).


Primary Health Networks (PHN) primary mental health care guidance – stepped care

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Health sector

This document includes: 

  • Why is this a priority activity for PHNs
  • What is stepped care?
  • What are PHNs expected to do?
  • What flexibilities do PHNs have?
  • Supporting the safety and quality of services provided within a stepped care framework 
  • The workforce delivering stepped care services
  • Consumer and carer participation and co-design in stepped care
  • How can the PHN ensure they are commissioning value for money services?
  • What national support will be available for local implementation?

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