New Horizons: review of alcohol and other drug treatment services

This 2014 report describes the alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment system and funding processes in Australia. It provides options for future funding that respond to the needs of individuals, families and communities.


New Horizons: review of alcohol and other drug treatment services

Appendices of New Horizons: review of alcohol and other drug treatment services

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The Department of Health funded a review of the AOD treatment services sector from July 2013 to July 2014.

The review report describes:

  • current Australian AOD treatment funding
  • current and future service needs
  • the gap between met and unmet demand

It provides options to:

  • improve processes for future Commonwealth AOD funding rounds
  • help make sure processes respond to the needs of individuals, families and their communities

The review found that:

  • the roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth and state and territory governments were unclear
  • there was a need for more shared analysis and feasibility work

As part of this wider review, a Review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander AOD Treatment Service Sector was also completed.


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