National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan (NSAIP) – Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 2022-2030

The National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan focuses on reducing stillbirths experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, some culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women, women living in remote areas, women under 20 and women who have had a previous stillbirth.


National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan (NSAIP) – Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 2022-2030

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The National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 2022-2030 (the framework) has been developed by Nous Group. The framework will be used to assess the implementation of the National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan as the short-, medium- and longer-term tasks are delivered and track progress towards achieving the overarching goals.

The framework provides the high-level guide and theoretical basis for monitoring and evaluation from 2022 to 2030. The framework has 4 objectives:

  • Assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the Plan and approaches undertaken to implement the plan in each Jurisdiction.
  • Measure and analyse the impact of the Plan in relation to its overarching goal and priority areas, particularly in relation to target cohorts.
  • Identify barriers and enablers to achieving the Plan’s intended outcomes.
  • Support the ongoing monitoring of the Plan.

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