National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People 2020–2030

This plan outlines our approach to improving health outcomes for all children and young people. It aims to ensure that children and young people, from all backgrounds and all walks of life, have the same opportunities to fulfil their potential, and are healthy safe and thriving.


National action plan for the health of children and young people 2020–2030

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Strategy or framework
General public

This document includes:

  • overview
  • about the action plan
  • why we need an action plan
  • priority area 1: improving health and equity across populations
  • priority area 2: empowering parents and caregivers to maximise healthy development
  • priority area 3: tackling mental health and risky behaviours
  • priority area 4: addressing chronic conditions and preventive health
  • priority area 5: strengthening the workforce
  • operational enablers.

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