MRFF 3rd 10-year Investment Plan (2024–25 to 2033–34)

The Australian Government announced the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) 3rd 10-year Investment Plan in the 2024–25 Budget. The $6.5 billion investment plan updates and replaces the 2nd 10-year Investment Plan.


MRFF 3rd 10-year Investment Plan (2024–25 to 2033–34)

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Strategy or framework
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The $6.5 billion MRFF 3rd 10-year Investment Plan outlines the use of MRFF funding from 2024–25 to 2033–34. It:

  • builds on investments made through previous MRFF Investment Plans
  • updates and refine existing programs
  • provides targeted investments in new and emerging health priorities.

The plan carries forward commitments made through prior MRFF 10-year Investment Plans, and commits an additional expenditure of $1.4 billion. It replaces the 2nd 10-year Investment Plan (2022–23 to 2031–32).

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