More Doctors for Rural Australia Program guidelines

These guidelines provide the background, principles, eligibility criteria and operational procedures of the More Doctors for Rural Australia Program. The guidelines assist Rural Workforce Agencies to administer the program.


Health Insurance Act 1973 Section 3GA - More Doctors for Rural Australia Program guidelines

Please note: MDRAP is no longer accepting applications.

We are replacing the More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP) with the Pre-Fellowship Program (PFP).

The PFP will also support doactors working in areas of service access need who are seeking to move into fellowship training. Rural Workforce Agencies will deliver this trial from 2 April 2024. For more information, see the PFP program page.

If you are currently working under MDRAP arrangements, you will not be affected by the introduction of the PFP.

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Health sector

The More Doctors for Rural Australia Program is a 3GA program that enables doctors who are non-vocationally registered to work in rural regions and access Medicare.


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