Key findings report – Evaluation of the Patient Pathways Program pilot

This report is an independent evaluation of the Patient Pathways Program (PPP) pilot.


Key findings report – Evaluation of the Patient Pathways Program (PPP) pilot

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The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) funded the Centre for Community-Driven Research (CC-DR) a total of $1.73 million to pilot a nurse-led telehealth patient navigation model operating through patient organisations. The Patient Pathways Program (PPP) pilot commenced in September 2018, with patient navigation services provided over three years to 30 June 2022.

The pilot aimed to trial a model of care that will help patients of serious and rare diseases connect with the most appropriate health services and treatment.

The Department engaged Abt Associates to conduct an independent evaluation of the PPP pilot to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the PPP pilot model. The key findings of the independent evaluation are detailed in this Report.

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