Independent evaluation of the Head to Health digital mental health gateway – Final report

This report is an independent evaluation of the Head to Health Digital Mental Health Gateway. Its purpose is to describe our findings regarding the evaluation to generate recommendations and conclusions to inform the development of the new National Mental Health Platform.


Independent evaluation of the Head to Health digital mental health gateway – Final report

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General public

The evaluation is guided by the 6 key evaluation questions (KEQs) including:

  • KEQ 1: How effective has Head to Health been to date and what can we learn from it?
  • KEQ 2: Who are the current users of the Head to Health website?
  • KEQ 3: What are the experiences of users of the website?
  • KEQ 4: What are the needs of current users of the website? Are these being met? What needs should be met by the planned national mental health platform?
  • KEQ 5: How effective is Head to Health in achieving its objectives?
  • KEQ6: How efficiently and effectively has Australian Government funding for Head to Health been used?

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