HPV vaccine – Fact sheet outlining changes under the National Immunisation Program in 2023

This fact sheet for providers outlines the changes to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) in 2023.


HPV vaccine – Fact sheet outlining changes under the National Immunisation Program in 2023

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Fact sheet
Health sector

This fact sheet outlines changes to HPV vaccination under the NIP from 6 February 2023, including:

  • the routine two dose HPV vaccine schedule provided to young people aged 12-13 years will become a single dose schedule using the same Gardasil®9 vaccine.
  • the ongoing NIP funded catch-up program for missed HPV vaccination has also been extended to include those up to and including 25 years of age (increased from 19 years of age).

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