Hendra virus – CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health Units

This document from the Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) is for public health units. It provides nationally consistent guidance on how to respond to the Hendra virus.


Hendra virus – CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health Units

Hendra virus exposure assessment form

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Health sector

The Series of National Guidelines have been developed in consultation with the Communicable Diseases Network Australia and endorsed by the Australian Health Protection Principle Committee

They provide nationally consistent advice and guidance to public health units in responding to a notifiable disease event. These guidelines capture the knowledge of experienced professionals, built on past research efforts. They give advice on best practice, based on the best available evidence at the time of completion.

These national guidelines give information about: 

  • the disease
  • prevention activities
  • surveillance objectives
  • data management
  • communications
  • case definition
  • laboratory testing
  • case management
  • environmental evaluation
  • contact management
  • special situations

People who might have been exposed to the virus should complete the Exposure Assessment Form. 

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