Eye and Tissue Sector Framework

The National Eye and Tissue Sector Framework aims to guide the effective, evidence-based future operations and management of the Australian eye and tissue sector.


Eye and Tissue Sector Framework

Eye and Tissue Sector National Map

The National Eye and Tissue Sector map was developed through the Jurisdictional Organ and Tissue Steering Committee (JOTSC) in collaboration with eye and tissue sector stakeholders.

The National map highlights the sector’s complexities, interdependencies, and relationships. This will be used to inform next steps in strengthening governance and oversight arrangements, in alignment with the National Eye and Tissue Sector Framework.

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Strategy or framework
General public

The National Eye and Tissue Sector Framework was endorsed by all Australian governments in April 2022. The framework represents commitment from all governments to provide a policy basis for the effective, evidence-based future operations and management of the Australian eye and tissue sector. It highlights the future approach needed for the Australian eye and tissue sector to achieve safe, equitable and ethical access to tissue transplantation for all Australians.

The Department of Health and Aged Care, on behalf of all Australian governments, will continue to seek input from sector experts, clinicians, peak bodies, donor families, transplant recipients, the community and other interested parties towards the development of an implementation plan.

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