Evaluation of the diabetes care project

The Diabetes Care Project was a 3-year pilot program that analysed new models of health care delivery for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


Evaluation Report of the Diabetes Care Project

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General public

The Diabetes Care Project found that, when combined, the following helped to improve the health of people with diabetes:

  • better IT
  • continuous quality improvements
  • a new funding model

We used findings from this project to develop policies to better support chronic disease management in the future. The findings also helped primary care researchers and Primary Health Networks to develop their own approach to health care.

The findings were also relevant to the work of the Primary Health Care Advisory Group. This group considered new care and funding models, as well as ways to:

  • provide better care for people with complex and chronic illness
  • better recognise and treat mental health conditions
  • better connect primary health care and hospital care.

The National Diabetes Strategy Advisory Group also used this report to help develop the National Diabetes Strategy.

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