Evaluation of National Psychosocial Support programs report
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An independent evaluation of 2 previous psychosocial support programs, NPS-M and CoS – was undertaken by Nous Group in 2020
The evaluation was framed around 7 key lines of enquiry (KLE):
- Have the NPS-M and CoS programs been implemented as planned and what are the lessons from the implementation?
- To what extent have the NPS-M and CoS programs achieved their intended outcomes?
- To what extent have the NPS-M and CoS Services met the needs of consumers, their families and carers?
- Has the approach to integration of NPS-M and CoS support with other clinical and non-clinical services assisted consumers to access effective care and reduce demand for acute health services?
- How cost-effective are the NPS-M and CoS programs?
- How is evidence informing NPS-M and CoS service and program delivery?
- What should psychosocial support look like in the future?
The evaluation provides 18 recommendations, presented with the associated KLE findings.