Electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) transitional arrangement – Residential aged care services information pack

Residential aged care providers can start using transitional eNRMC products from 1 July 2022. This document provides information for residential aged care services about these transitional eNRMC products and how to use them.


Electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) transitional arrangement – Residential aged care services information pack

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Publication date:
Date last updated:
Publication type:
Fact sheet
Health sector

This document includes information about:

  • overview of transitional arrangements
  • what an eNRMC software product is
  • benefits of using an eNRMC software product
  • what a transitional eNRMC software product is
  • how transitional eNRMC conformance requirements differ from CPv3.0 requirements
  • what medicines can be prescribed under the transitional arrangement
  • what the prescribing, dispensing, and claiming workflow looks like under the transitional arrangement
  • when the transitional arrangement starts
  • what residential aged care services who are adopting transitional eNRMC Software under the transitional arrangement have to do
  • what residential aged care services and prescribers need to do when the transitional arrangement ends.

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