FOI request 933 – Royal commission into Aged care quality and safety

Information released on this page included emails and formal submissions outlining correspondent's feedback and input regarding the development of the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care and Quality


Email – Aged care guild consolidated feedback – Royal commission terms of reference

Document – Catholic health Australia suggested terms of reference for the Royal commission

Letter – Japara Healthcare Ltd input to the Royal commission into Aged care quality and safety into the terms of reference

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public


The information on this page is a collection of feedback into the development of the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care and Quality.  The documents are:

  • Email(s) – Aged care guild consolidated feedback – Royal commission terms of reference
  • Document – Catholic health Australia suggested terms of reference for the Royal commission
  • Letter – Japara Healthcare Ltd input to the Royal commission into Aged care quality and safety into the terms of reference


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