FOI request 863 – Strategies for CALD and LGBTI in ageing and aged care

Information released on this page relates to the review of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Ageing and aged care strategies.


Ministerial Submission – Review of strategies on CALD and LGBTI in ageing and aged care

Summary report – National LGBTI ageing and aged care strategy review survey

Report – National LGBTI ageing and aged care strategy review survey

Survey – National LGBTI ageing and aged care strategy review

Survey – National LGBTI ageing and aged care strategy review

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

Review of the CALD and LGBTI in Ageing and aged care strategies. This request includes:

  • ministerial submission
  • attachments
  • surveys conducted which contributed to the submission


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