FOI 3838 – release of documents – Katungul Capital Works Project in Narooma

This release contains minutes, briefs, letters and emails regarding the.Katungul Capital Works Project in Narooma


Email trail and caretaker brief

Minute - Internal briefing re: meeting with Katungul Board on 6 October 2010

Letter from Minister for Indigenous Health to Katungul

Letter from OATSIH NSW to the Centre for Aboriginal Health

Email regarding the redirection of funds previously provided for a new health clinic in Narooma

Email and attachments

Email trail and attachments

Email - Request to draft a Deed, and attachments

Minute - Capital Works Funding Strategy- Forward Work Plan, and attachment

NSW Health letter to OATSIH - New health facility in Narooma

Email and Third Progress Report on the Katungul Capital Works Program

Email and Second Progress Report on the Katungul Capital Works Program

Email and First Progress Report on the Katungul Capital Works Program

Email trail and attachments - Katungul Narooma Capital Functional Brief

Request for lodgement of Purposes Deed - Capital Works Project - Provision of a Health Clinic in Narooma

Internal email and file note

Email – NSW Health Agreement with Katungul

Email trail

Record of meeting - (OATSIH and NSW Health)

Email trail - Katungul SDRF Action Plan for 2010-11

Email trail

Minister Information Brief

Current Issue Caretaker Brief

Internal Minute

Information Brief to the Minister for Indigenous Health

File note of a meeting

Ministerial Correspondence - Minister for Indigenous Health to Katungul

Internal email

Meeting Brief and attachments

Katungul Risk Management Plan

Katungul Short Brief

Katungul FAS Brief

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FOI number:
FOI release date:
Publication type:
General public

Documents, In the period from 2010 to 2015, regarding a capital works project for Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Community and Medical Services in Narooma, New South Wales.

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