Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy 2024–2029

The Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy 2024–2029 and action plan sets our direction to deliver the highest quality, person-centred care for older people. This will drive a sustainable and productive care and support economy, through data and digital innovation.

Collection description

The Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy and Action Plan outlines how we will work with our partners and the wider aged care sector. This collaboration will drive better care through data and digital innovation.

The Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy enables a digitally connected aged care system that empowers older people and grows the sector’s digital capability.

We envision a future where older people are supported by data and digital technologies to:

  • improve opportunities for face-to-face contact with aged care workers
  • get more ways to access the information and services they need

Advancing data and digital technologies will also help aged care providers to

  • manage current and future service demand
  • reduce administrative burden
  • give workers more time to spend on direct care.

From October 2022 to November 2023, we consulted with older people, their families and carers, aged care providers and workers, health professionals, IT vendors, and developers on the draft Strategy.

We have summarised what we heard from more than 600 organisations and individuals on how data and digital improvements could provide better care for older people.

The Strategy and Action Plan will drive continual improvement across the aged care sector. It will set foundations for future investment, including innovation frameworks and digital guidelines. It will support the sector to be more efficient and deliberate in delivering care. The Strategy ensures that data and digital solutions keep the people at the centre of all future efforts to improve aged care.

Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy 2024 – 2029

Action plan

Consultation summary

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Strategy or framework
General public

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