Doctors receiving payments under the WIP Rural Advanced Skills Payments have some basic obligations.
Keep your details up to date
You must keep your address and bank details up to date with Services Australia.
Services Australia automatically sends your Rural Advanced Skills payments to your nominated bank account. You must ensure your bank account details are added to HPOS to receive this payment.
Provide or update your details using the following:
Health Professional Online Services
HPOS offers health professionals a single entry point to complete a range of business and administrative tasks with Services Australia.
You access HPOS with your Provider Digital Access Account (PRODA). If you do not already have one, you can create a PRODA account online.
To view your Rural Advanced Skills Stream information:
- log on to HPOS
- select the ‘My programs’ tile
- select the ‘Workforce Incentive Program – Rural Advanced Skills tile.
Through HPOS you can then:
- view your service history (active and inactive quarters)
- view your payment statements
- update bank details
- receive notifications for your mail services.
Updates made online in HPOS are visible and take effect immediately.
Stay current with the guidelines
The WIP guidelines are updated regularly. When applying for the Rural Advanced Skills payment, make sure you are referring to the latest version of the Rural Advanced Skills Guidelines.
Doctors are responsible for ensuring they are operating under the current guidelines. We will not consider any claim for loss of payment or any other loss as a result of a doctor failing to operate under the current version of the guidelines.
Workforce Incentive Program – Rural Advanced Skills Guidelines
Workforce Incentive Program – Rural Advanced Skills Stream contact
Rural Workforce Agency
Contacts for each state can be found on the contacts page.