Vascular interventional radiology (VIR) review

Learn about how the Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Advisory Committee (MRAC) is reviewing VIR MBS items.

About the review

This review aims to align the MBS with current and evidence-based clinical use of interventional radiology and interventional neuroradiology.

The department referred this review to the committee following the MBS Review Taskforce’s review of vascular items, and further consultation with the sector.

A working group was established to lead this review and report back to the full committee on its findings.

Who we work with

The Vascular interventional radiology (VIR) working group members lead this review and report back to the full committee on its findings.

Vascular interventional radiology (VIR) Working Group members

MemberArea of specialty or expertise
Associate Professor Sally Green (Chair)Health Services / Systems Research
Dr Matthew Andrews Radiology
Dr Timothy Ang Neurology
Dr Nick Brown Radiology
Dr Jules Catt Interventional
Associate Professor Ronil Chandra Radiology
Conjoint Professor Anne Duggan (MRAC Chair) Policy and Clinical Adviser / Gastroenterology 
Dr Ken Faulder Neuroradiology
Dr Albert Goh Radiology
Dr Mark Jackson Vascular Surgery 
Dr Alistair Jukes Neurosurgery
Dr Peter Mews Neurosurgery
Dr Manfred Spanger Interventional 
Ms Jo Watson (Deputy MRAC Chair)Consumer Representative 
Dr Roxanne Wu Vascular Surgery
Dr Bernard Yan Neurology
Departmental Medical Adviser 
Associate Professor Andrew SingerPrincipal Medical Adviser, Department of Health

Why the review is important

This review seeks to align the MBS with established, current, and evidence-based clinical use of interventional radiology and interventional neuroradiology. 


A draft report is currently being developed by the VIR Working Group outlining recommendations for a proposed series of new or amended MBS items. 

The report from the VIR Working Group will be available for feedback through an open consultation process in early 2025. 

Activities to date

TBCThe working group is developing a draft report to be considered by the committee, prior to undergoing a public consultation process early next year.
March 2023 to August 2024The working group held 7 meetings to date.
February 2023The working group was established.
5 August 2022The MRAC agreed to establish a working group to lead the review.


Vascular interventional radiology (VIR) review contact

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